IE9 crashes every time when I visit a Java page

I am using Win 7 and IE9. As the title says, anytime when I go to a page which runs Java Applet, IE just crashes. I uninstalled all or anything that has to do with Java and reinstalled the required ones. Rebooted the box and it did not solve the problem.

Oracle has a very good link on this questions. I did what is specified in the link and it did not fix it either. After some frustrating trail and error, I noticed, the IE that I am running is 32 bit, but my OS is 64 bit. So I ended up downloading IE9 64 bit and installed Java 64 bit and that is it. Now it works like a champ.

Thought this might help someone.

Load operation failed for Query ‘X’ – Silverlight/EF

So I was given a project to debug and I started to debug and I got the infamous and more detailed error message from EF/WCF that ‘Load operation failed for Query ‘X’’. In my case this happened at the entry point at our authentication service itself. I know the code of authentication inside out so I added the existing project and start debug. I couldn’t debug and keep getting the same weird error message. So I went to our trusty friend Google and asked the question and vola there are bunch of posting on the same error message. The one really liked was from stack overflow. Even if you never got the error message but I would recommend reading the answer by John Nicholas. The reason for that is even though he did not give answer to the problem, he explained in two ways how you can tackle the problem. I took the short cut and enabled the WCF trace to see what is happening and the stack trace gave exact failing point at the server side and I was able to resolve the problem and keep moving. The sad part was the exception happened at the server side was specific bug in the code, but when we get the error message the message was not very obvious to track it down.With WCF tracing enabled it is easy to figure out what is happening at the server side fast and easy and right to the point.

Missing Assembly even though it is in the same project

Yesterday I ran into a very interesting problem. I have a solution with three projects. When I compile, I get an error saying namespace not found or might be missing assembly. The error was pointing one of the project in the same solution. So I ended up building each project by itself and two projects compiled properly but the one kept failing with the same error.  Initially I thought, something might have messed up in the project dependencies and it turned out, that is not the case.

After looking at the properties of each project I found the real culprit. It is the target system in properties. So if you run into a problem, make sure Target Frame of all projects pointing to same type. In my case the failing one was pointing to .Net Framework 4 Client for some reason.


Hope this saves someone’s valuable development time.

Silverlight Starter Tips

I ran into two problems yesterday I thought I share it with you all and document it for future reference. I am using Silverlight 4 and VS2010.

1. I was writing a Silverlight Unit Test. When I compiled my simple test, it keep failing saying, Unable to load ‘System.Windows’ or its dependencies. It turned out, we need to make the System.Windows property to copy always.

2. I was debugging my Silverlight code and was able to step into my client code just fine. After some time, my debugging stopped working, none of my break points were hit. I was using Chrome as my default browser. I changed the browser to IE and debugging start working. So if you are a Silverlight developer do your self a favor and use IE other wise you will end up spending some time trying to figure this debugging problem.

Can’t debug client side code of Silverlight Application in local host

One of my colleague bought this to my attention. He had this project that he build, it has both client and server side piece. It was all working fine and he was asked to fix something in the existing project for new release. He got the version from source safe and try to debug the code, to his surprise he was able to debug only the server side code (RIA services) but none of the client side break point is working.

I jumped in the issue. I got a different version which I was able to debug both client and server side, so I asked him to compare both projects and see what is it different. It turned out, in the  web project properties, under ‘web’ tab all way at the bottom, there is a group called ‘Debuggers’, make sure you have Silverlight check box is checked. In his project, it was not checked that’s why he couldn’t debug. By checking the Silverlight check box now he is able to debug the client side code just fine.



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Debugging Silverlight application using Fiddler

Debugging RIA services is not always plain and simple. When you start a new application using RIA services if things are not setup properly you have initial hick-up for debugging the code. If you were using Authentication services then the error will be most common error that login failed without giving any other details. There are lot of blogs out there specifying how to debug this situation, but what I want to mention in this blog is that, use Fiddler when possible to see what is going between the wire.  It works just fine when your web site is hosted and you are monitoring the request and responses from client side.

When it comes to debugging the localhost environment only thing you need to remember is to start the web site as http://localhost./website (emphasis on the ‘.’ at the end of the local host). because of the limitation in fiddler, If you run the normal localhost, it will not monitor. So make sure you use ‘localhost.’ with that you should able to see all the traffic going between client and server.

This link has alternate way of doing it as well.  If you do not want to add ‘.’ at the end of the localhost or the solution in the fiddler web site, then other option is to modify the hosts files (%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) and then add the following like name

With that change if you would access the web site or the app, instead of calling http://localhost now you can call http://name, fiddler will capture the traffic.

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How to – Silverlight Developer runtime not installed

When I went to watch PRISM video, it prompts and told me I do not have latest silverlight, even though I was using SL4. Regardless I went and downloaded the SL exe and ran it. Now after installing the SL component my development box kept failing that I do not have Silveright developer runtime. I figure the download I got to watch video messed up my development box and I was right.

A quick bing got me to the following URL

which tells the same. There are two versions of SL distributable, one for developers and one for the end users. The one I downloaded was end users, which in turn overwrote my developer version. Above link also have link to download location. I downloaded the exe from the link and now everything is green and peachy.

Where is IPagedCollectionView?

This is nothing but a sticky note for me than a post. I downloaded a project and when I tried compiling the project I got an error from the compiler that it couldn’t find IPagedCollectionView. I checked the name space of the class in my other box and it pointed me to System.ComponentModel, I checked the references and I do have that dll. (One thing I did not check was to double click open the reference and see if the class definition there). Anyway, I went directly to the trusted source regarding these kind of problems, Microsoft msdn web site and found the missing dll. Even though the name space points to System.ComponentModel. the class definition is in System.Windows.Data.dll. So for future reference if you run into this problem, now you know, where it is 🙂

WebContext and how to make sure client code gets it

When you create RIA services, you want to make sure the ‘WebContext’ is available for the clients to consume the services. WebContext is created by Visual studio from the web project you are pointing to in WCF RIA link. Here are the couple of things you need to do to make sure you are not going run into ‘WebContext’ not found compilation error.

1. First and foremost, check the client side project property and make sure under ‘Silverlight’ tab, the last option ‘WCF RIA Services link’ is pointing to the correct web service project.

2. Enable ‘Show All Files under Solution explorer and find the ‘Generated_Code’ folder and remove everything from there.

3. Restart VS2010 (some times it works too, at least when I was testing with Beta, on some occasions, restarting VS IDE resolve the problem.)

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no ‘InitializeComponent’ does not exist in the current context

Today I created a simple Silver Light 4 application and copied a XAML and couple of classes from my existing project. Changed all the references of the old name spaces to new name space and compile it and I got this error. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what was the problem. Simple, I missed one namespace which was still pointing to the old namespace. So if you run into this error message, most probabily you missed one or more name space references to old name space. It seems some other people run into the same problem, if you do not have ‘CompileXAML’ option not set in the MSBuild.