#elmlang – Navigating the pages – part 3 View

So far, we have seen the Model and Update part of the navigation application. In this blog, we complete the whole project by connecting the final missing piece View.  First, let’s look at the output.

The first two lines on the screen are the two links—one to ‘All-Time Best’ and another to ‘Login.’ By default, ‘All-Time Best’ is set as Home, and if we pass any routes other than ‘Login,’ all routes will be routed to ‘All-Time Best.’ On page load, the page will look like the following; It loads ‘All-Time Best’ view.


When you click ‘Login,’ it will display the following.


In this example, if you notice, we have two sections, one is the top section, which contains hyperlinks to navigate, and then the view right below it to show the page’s content. For simplicity, we call the top section as header and the second part as the body. So view will contain the header and body.

view: Model –> Html Msg

view model =

div []

[ header

. body model


Like all the Elm applications, the view takes the model as input and generates the Html to generate messages. The model has two functions: header and the second one is body, which takes the model as a parameter.

Let’s review the header function first.

header: Html Msg

header =

div []

[ h3 []

[ a [ href “#alltimebest” ] [ text “All Time Best “ ]

, a [ href “#login” ] [ text “ Login” ]



The header function takes no parameter but generates Html. This function creates two hyperlinks (a tag). The only thing we need to pay attention to is the first parameter to href function. This string must match the strings in the update function.

case (hash) of
“#alltimebest” ->

“#login” ->

Next, let’s define the body function.

body:Model –> Html Msg

body model =

case (model.page) of

AllTimeBest –>

alltimebest model

Login –>

login model

As you can imagine, we need to make sure we display an appropriate body based on the page requested. We did not display anything during the update function—all we did to change the page to the appropriate page in the model. Based on the page information in the model, we need to make sure we need to render appropriate content.

Based on the output we saw earlier, the all-time best and login function has nothing but a text to show page change happened. The function definitions of the pages are below.

alltimebest: Model –> Html Msg

alltimebest model =

h1 [] [ text “All Time Best” ]

login: Model –> Html Msg

login model =

h1 [] [ text “Login “]

Events leading up to view are

  • When someone wants to change a page, they click on the hyperlink
  • when the hyperlink is clicked, elm generates a navigation message (UrlChange)
  • The message triggers the update function
  • In the update function based on the change request, we create a new model with the page type requested
  • On completion of the model change, the view function is called
  • the view will turn around and call the body function with the current model
  • In body function, we check the model’s page type. If the page type is AllTimeBest then we call the ‘alltimebest’ function to create Html otherwise, we call Login

In summary, navigation is straightforward and simple in Elm. The things we need to know are

  • Use Navigation.program to connect Model, Update, and View
  • Have Model with the field which can hold the current page
  • In an update, handle Urlchange event with location parameter to change the Model
  • In view, use the Model’s current page to render the page in question

#elmlang – Navigating the pages – part 2 Update

In our previous blog, we looked at the application’s model side when building a SPA with navigation. In this blog, we will look at the update.

To summarize, the model changes, when building a SPA with navigations, are

  • The model needs to know the current page.
  • Instead of representing the page as a string, in Elm explicitly state the page by union type.
  • Setup initial page that we need to load during application startup

In an  update, there are two things we need to do

  • Define all the events our application is going to support
  • Define the actions when the events occur

Defining events:

We moved away from the beginner program in our navigation program, and now we are using Navigation.program. As mentioned in the previous blog, this function has all the beginner program’s goodies and more. When we use Navigation.program, one of the things it does when there is a URL change will trigger an event called UrlChange with location details. Since we removed all the noise in the application, UrlChange is the only interesting event. So let’s define the events.

type Msg

= UrlChange Navigation.Location

Whenever a user clicks a hyperlink in a program that triggers a URL change, the Navigation function will trigger the UrlChange event with all the information regarding the new URL and its attributes. Everything regarding how to fire the event is all wrapped up in the Navigation package.

Define actions:

When a user clicks a hyperlink to a new page, on clicking a hyperlink, the navigation function will create an event called UrlChange with the new location the user wants to go to. Anytime a new event is fired, our update function will be called first, and there we need to satisfy the user request. The update is where we act on the URL change request. Let’s take a moment to talk about what are the things we would need to display a new page

  • in Elm architecture; one will not call the rendered page directly
  • In Elm architecture, you modify the model which will trigger rendering a page
  • In the update, all we need to do is identify the page user intends to go and modify the current page with page user’s requested page

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UrlChange location –>
({ model | page = (findpage location.hash) },  Cmd.none )

As usual, we are updating the model with the appropriate value in the update. When someone clicks on the hyperlink, the clicked hyperlink string will be available in the location.hash, we will use that to identify the page user wants to navigate to. Identifying the page user wants to navigate is encapsulated in the findpage function as shown below

findpage: String –> Page

findpage hash =

case (hash) of

“#alltimebest” –>


“#login” –>


– ->


This is a straightforward function, which takes URL location as an input string and returns the page union type.

In summary, when using Navigation.Program,

  • one clicks a navigation link, elm will trigger UrlChange event with the URL link user clicked
  • when an event is fired, elm will call the programs update function
  • in the update, the function identifies the page user wants to navigate to and update the model with the page name
  • when a model is updated rendering page will be triggered by calling view

In the next blog, we will see how to modify the view to handle page navigation

#elmlang – Navigating the pages – part 1 Model

So far, we could create a simple elm application that can display a hardcoded list of best opening credits. As you can imagine, when building non-trivial applications, we will end up with multiple views, and based on user requests, we may need to swap the body with proper views. In the olden days, every page was recreated and redrawn, and in the new SPA world, only the portion of the DOM elements are swapped out with proper views.

In the SPA, you can think of a page with a header, body, and footer. Whenever a user clicks some header options, the body will be swapped out with appropriate views.

In Elm, we solve this with navigation and routing. Everything I learned on navigation and routing came from the following three awesome links.

Instead of adding navigation to the existing project, we will tackle navigation without any noise. So for our project, we are planning to have the following user selections

  • All-time best
  • Personal best
  • Trending now
  • About
  • Login

As the user selects any one of the options above, we will show an appropriate view.

To make this exercise simple and easy to follow, we will focus on just two of the five actions above,

  • All-time best
  • Login

To get this one going, we need to add another elm-package called ‘Navigation.’

elm package install elm-lang/navigation

Next, instead of using the beginner program as the lynchpin to connect model, view, and update, we will use Navigation.program.

So why are we using the Navigation.program instead of the beginner program? As the name suggests, this package wraps a lot of navigation-related activities and makes our development easy. For starters

  1. Navigation.program is wrapped on top of the Html.beginnerprogram (HTML.program), so all the things we learned to love are still there and more.
  2. Navigation notifies us every time there is a URL change.
  3. It also allows us to change the navigation.
  4. It provides us with a rich set of information to know what changed during URL change.

Like all our previous applications, we will start with the model. For the time being, ignore our application aspect of it but focus on the navigation aspect. While we are navigating between pages, what is the one thing that we care about? We need to know which page we are in. So we need to capture that as a field in our model. Good start, we know our model has one field, and it holds the current page name possibly. So what type should it be? Traditional thinking would make us define it to be String. But remember, we are in Elm, and we want to be as explicit as possible. In that case, instead of defining it as a string, we could define it to be a union type of all known pages. So, let’s start by defining all the known pages.

type Page =


  | Login

So we defined a union type that defines all the possible pages we are going to support. With that, our model should be something like the following.

type alias Model =

   { page : Page


We defined the model, and the next step is defining the initial state of the application.

initstate: Model

initstate =

   { page = AllTimeBest


So far, nothing new. That is all for the model part; next, we will see the update part.

You can find the full source code the example here is https://github.com/ksunair/bestopeningcredits/blob/master/simplenav.elm

#Elmlang – Displaying a list

In the last blog, we continued our project to display a single best opening credit with a simple model. In this blog, we will see how do we go about displaying a list of opening credits.

Let’s start with the model. In the previous example, what we had was just one record with title and URL. Now to show a collection, we need to create a list of records. Let’s see how we would define the list of records.

type alias Model = List

{  title: String

, url: String


All we did in this definition compared to the previous one was to add ‘List’ in the definition. Even though this definition is all and good, there will be times where you will need to pass just a single record between functions, like displaying one record. So we need to split the definition to represent a record and list of records. With that refactoring, the definition would look like this.

type alias Model = List


type alias Record =

{  title: String

, url : String


Here we defined a single record definition as record and then created a Model, a list of records.

Next, we modify the initial data to hold more than one best opening credits. So I added True Detective season 2 opening credits.

initData : Model
initData =
[ { title = “Game of Thrones”
, url = https://www.youtube.com/embed/s7L2PVdrb_8
, { title = “True Detective Season 2”
, url = https://www.youtube.com/embed/GJJfe1k9CeE

There will be no change to update function as there are no user interactions yet.

The view is going to be interesting. So far, all the controls we have created are all just single controls that never displayed anything that is a collection.  How do we go about doing this?

Let’s look at the view from the previous blog.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text initData.title ]
, iframe [ width 420, height 315, src initData.url ] []


The above view function takes Model and creates the view for Elm to render. Now that we modified the Model to List, we need to modify the definition to be Record instead of Model to display a single record.

view : Record-> Html Msg
view record=
div []
[ h1 [] [ text record.title ]
, iframe [ width 420, height 315, src record.url ] []


This can not be the view, because view needs to generate all the records to display, so let’s change the name of the view to a different name to represent what it does, displaying a single record.

displayLine : Record -> Html Msg
displayLine record =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text record.title ]
, iframe [ width 420, height 315, src record.url ] []

Now we need to modify the view to call this function for every record in the list, that is it. In Elm, there is no iteration or loop; instead, we will call the map function.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
(List.map displayLine model)

Let’s look at the view definition closer. View definition states that it takes Model (which is a list of records) and generates the HTML view for Elm to render. The view function definition has just one function call that is div. As stated in the previous blog, view function takes two arguments. The first set of arguments are the function attributes, and the second set of arguments is a list of children.  In the above definition, the second parameter is (List.map displayLine model), what does it mean?

Let’s look at the definition from left to right. There are three words in the statement. ‘List.map,’ ‘displayLine,’ and ‘model.’  We know the last two, ‘displayLine,’ which takes a record and displays the record’s title and url. The last parameter is ‘model,’ which is a list of records. So it looks like we are calling List.map function, with two parameters.

List.map’s first argument is a function that takes a list as a parameter and produces a list as a result.

If you look at our call, listen to displayLine for every record in the model, and generate a one-line display for the given record. List.map function always returns a list. Like all HTML function calls, Div function expects the second argument to be a list of children, and List.map returns the list of displayLine.

If you run the application, you should see a result similar to the following.


You can find the latest  code @ https://github.com/ksunair/bestopeningcredits

Let’s work on displaying single best opening credit – Elm

Continuing our project to display the best opening credits, let’s jump in start displaying hardcoded single best opening credit.

Before we start coding, let’s refresh quickly on the anatomy of Elm architecture. In Elm application, you have three separate parts, each doing its one task and one task only. The three components are

  • Model: This defines the datastore, and it also defines the initial state of an application.
  • Update: This section defines all the actions/events application supports and what do with the state of the application.
  • View: This defines the view of the application based on the state of the application.

Elm architecture is a straightforward one. In Elm, all the application state is maintained separately in the model.  On application start, Elm runtime will render the view using the initial state of the model. In the view, we define what all the events a user will be able to initiate are. When a user initiates an action or triggers an event, Elm run time will call the update function and pass in the incoming event/message and current state of the model. The update will act on the current state based on the event and create a new state, the new state of the application will then trigger view to render a new view with the updated state of the data.

Now with basics under our belt, let’s write a code that displays single best opening credits.

Like all the applications, let’s create a model first. There are always two questions we need to ask when defining a model (there are more, but for creating a trivial application, two is enough)

1. What is the definition of the model? What fields do we need? For this simple application, all we need is ‘title’ and a link youtube video of the opening credit

type alias Model =
{ title : String
, url : String

2. Now we know what data definition is, let’s create the initial data we want to display.

initData : Model

initData =
{ title = “Game of Thrones”
, url = https://www.youtube.com/embed/s7L2PVdrb_8

I want to call out two things: first, the idea of using a comma at the beginning of the line instead of the end. When we look at it seems a good coding practice, it is more than that in Elm. Since Elm is a functional programming language, the way a function is called will be different if you miss a comma.

The type definition is that even though Elm can infer the types, I would strongly recommend being explicit in your code and declaring the types. It helps for future code refactoring and maintenance.

Next Update. Since this is a trivial application with no user interaction, we will define a dummy update function. Again we will continue to ask the same two questions.

  1. What are the events we are expecting?

type Msg
= DoNothing

This is a dummy event to satisfy the beginnerProgram function,

2. What to do when an update function is called?

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =

Since there are no events to start with, we are not acting on any events.

Finally, the view. In the view, we are displaying just one record. The title will be bold and then link to the youtube video.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text initData.title ]
, iframe [ width 420, height 315, src initData.url ] []


Our view has the main ‘div’ with two children, one is h1, and another one is an iframe.

h1 does not have any attributes but has a child text which displays the title.

iframe has attributes of height, width, and the URL source.

That is it,

the final component which connects all together is the main

main =
beginnerProgram { model = initData, view = view, update = update }

run the elm reactor which will start the localhost:80 and selecting Main.elm will produce the following result


Starting Opening Credit Project in Elm & Horizon

Finally, I found some time to start the project. I am doing this project in a way to learn Elm.  To do full end-to-end development focusing on front end development, I wanted some lightweight back-end service. Initially, I was thinking of doing it with nodejs, but I realized there is a better one, especially for rapid development. Horizon is meant for that. I do not know much about it yet. I am planning to use this project to learn both of them.

Created the baseline for the project at https://github.com/ksunair/bestopeningcredits

For this project, I am using the Atom editor.  I am using the following packages

git-plus – to better integrate with Git


language-elm – Syntax highlighting and auto-completion

linter-elm-make – Lint Elm

The main objectives of these projects are

  1. User should be able to login to the site using social media logins
  2. Each user should be able to nominate any of their favorite opening credits
  3. Every user gets to vote for their top 10
  4. Show all-time top 10 based on all user votes
  5. Show last week, month top 10

With this project, I intend to look at the following

  • Creating modules to separate the concerns
  • Create unit tests
  • Make HTTP calls
  • Manage routing and navigation

The base project is set up, and next blog we will see how we can create a simple page to allow users to nominate the opening credits.

Basic debugging in Elm

This blog purely focuses on very basic debugging. No time travel or anything fancy. Simple debugging features.

We will start with our basic code, which takes the first name and last name in two different input fields, and when the user pressed the ‘FullName’ button, it displays the firstname + lastname in Full Name: label.


The program I started out is here in the Gist. When you run the application and enter the first name and last name like the following, with that code.

and press FullName, you get the following result


The last name is missing, and the first name is added twice. (It is easy to fix, but we will continue as if we do not know the reasons).  So how do we go about debugging in the Elm?

For starters, when you run the elm in elm-reactor mode, the application runs in debug mode. When the application running in the browser, you will see a small box at the bottom right-hand side of the screen, something like the following.


If you click to open the window, you will see two sections.

One on the left shows all the events that triggered. The one on the right side shows the current state of the model.


This will be great means to see all the events that get fired and also for each event how the model changes.

The second approach is the age-old logging. Elm provides a means to log messages to the browser console. We will start with the first problem: the first name and last name show the first name twice.

We have the following code for Add message

Add ->
{ model
| fullName = model.firstName ++ model.firstName
, firstName = “”
, lastName = “”

even though it is obvious that we are adding the firstName field twice, we will add logs for the sake of showing logging. To add logs in Elm, you need to import the Debug package, which is already part of the Core package you have installed.

1. Import Debug

2. Add log messages to see what is the value of the two fields we are adding

Adding a log is pretty simple and very original. Before adding the log the Add event function was

Add ->

{ model

| fullName = model.firstName ++ model.firstName

, firstName = “”

, lastName = “”


To log, you do not need to create a separate line statement. You can do it inline like the following.

Add ->
{ model
| fullName = (log “first name : ” model.firstName) ++ (log “last name : ” model.firstName)
, firstName = “”
, lastName = “”

The log function takes two parameters, the first one is a string message, and the second parameter can be anything. Here is an interesting thing, in elm, when you have a log statement like this, the log function logs the message, but the underlying function (the original) executes normally. So, in reality, the before and after program statement is the same.

Open the developer console and execute the code and you will see the first and last name; both are the first name. Looking at the code, we know the instead of adding the last name, we were adding the first name.


Change the first name field to the last name and run the code with the log, and now we get a different message. Instead of repeating the first name twice, now it displays only the first name and not the last name.


You can find the code with logs here in this Gist. Now let’s look at why we are not getting the last name. We are going to use, time travel/history tab to see what is happening.  When a user enters a value in the input, for every keystroke onInput event fired. So let’s start there. We need to check and see if an appropriate action event is fired.

Based on the update event,

type Msg
= Add
| Clear
| InputFN String
| InputLN String

We expect InputLN event fired. Let’s open the tab and monitor the events.

First, I typed ‘unni,’ and you can see below, InputFN fired for each keystroke, and when I clicked FullName, you can see the Add event fired.


With this much information, we need to check whether we have the view wired up properly to fire the events on data entry.

, input [ onInput InputFN ] []
, input [] []

The error is obvious; for the second input box, we do not have an onInput event.

Adding the onInput and running the code gives the expected answer.


This is the first stab at the debugging in Elm. You can find the final version of the code here in this Gist.

Working with Input Fields in Elm

Continuing on the ‘SayMyName/Say Hello’ example, we will examine the input tag to understand the events and state management. Like other examples, let’s look at the final output first.

We have added a new button, ‘Clear.’ When someone clicks the clear button, it will clear the input tag’s value.

As other examples, we will start from the Model. There is no difference between the previous example model and this one.

type alias Model =
{ name : String
, inputValue : String

initData : Model
initData =
{ name = “”
, inputValue = “”

Next Update. As discussed in the previous blog, the update has two parts, one to define a message associated with an action and second, execution, or acting on the action.

Defining the action:

type Msg
= SayMyName
| InputData String
| Clear

We added the last message, ‘Clear,’ to our valid actions. Next, we need to act on it. If and when someone presses the clear button, we need to clear the value of the input box. ‘inputValue’ holds the current value of the input box, so in our action execution, all we have to do is to set it to an empty string. Something like the following

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
SayMyName ->
{ model | name = model.inputValue, inputValue = “” }

InputData val ->
{ model | inputValue = val }

Clear ->
{ model | inputValue = “” }

The last two lines were added to clear the input value.

Finally view, in view we have to do two things;

  1. Define the new Clear button, and onClick, we send out a ‘Clear’ event. That is achieved through the following definition in view.

, button [ onClick Clear ] [ text “Clear” ]

2. When a user clicks the clear button, our update function clears the value of inputValue in the model. To reflect the current value of the model, we have to set the value of the input box to the model’s inputValue like the following

, input [ onInput InputData, value model.inputValue ] []

You can find the full code here at this Gist.

Continuing the read code – Finally the view

We are building a straightforward application that does not do anything fancy to focus on Elm’s fundamentals. In the past two blogs, we looked at

  • Model
    • We talked about type alias to keep the code readable by defining the alias for the core data structure so that you do not need to define it whenever one needs to define the function definition.
    • We also need to define the initial state of the application as part of the model definition. The main reason we need this to make sure on page load is that the view is rendered through the application’s initial state.
  • Update
    • Compared to another programming model, we need to define all the actions that are going to happen in a given application by defining the message types by using Elm specific type (union type or traditional enumeration type)
    • We need to create a function which will then act on a given action by changing the current state to new state, which will then trigger view rendering by taking the current state of the application and build the modified DOM elements

Basically, the Model defined the initial state and data structure while Update creates the application’s current state. With that, what is left is to render the view.

Traditionally most of the frameworks use HTML or a template to build the view. In Elm, a truly functional programming language, even rendering HTML view, is done through a functional model. In Elm, every HTML tag is a function. Each of these functions takes two lists of arguments. The first one is all attributes, and the second is a list of all its children.

Let’s look at the code which will render our HTML page, and then we can deconstruct it.

view: Model –> Html Msg

view model =

div []


h3 [ ] [ text “Your name is: “ ++ model.name]

, input  [ onInput Change

, value model.inputdata ] []

, button [ onClick SayMyName ]

[ text “Say My Name”]


Let’s go through this code.

view: Model –> Html Msg is the function definition of the view function. The view function takes the model as input and generates Html and Html, which could create messages.

The first function call in the view is the div function. As stated before, the first array of the list represents the attributes, and the second array is the collection of its children.


As specified in the diagram above, the first array is empty, but the second array has three children.


So far, we have defined the model, update, and view. As mentioned in the Elm theory part, we need an entry point and plumping needed to connect all these three components. That entry point is main, as defined below.

main =
beginnerProgram { model = initData, view = view, update = update }

For getting started, we will leverage a function called beginnerProgram function and pass in the initial state of the model, the view, and update function. The beginnerProgram will trigger the following on load.

  1. The first initial state of the model created by running initData
  2. View function will take initData and render the HTML DOM elements.
  3. As the user enters data in the input field, Change event will be triggered.
  4. Update function is called every time appropriate events are triggered.
  5. Update function will be called with Change function, and it will pass in the current value of the input text.
  6. Update function executes the Change event, which does nothing put populate inputdata with the input box value.
  7. When the user clicks the SayMyName button, the view will trigger the SayMyName event.
  8. Update function called again with SayMyName event.
  9. Update function executes the SayMyName code block, which creates a new model with the name being populated with inputdata and inputdata set to blank, representing the current state of the application.
  10. Whenever the model changes, the view function gets called with the current state of the application and repeat step (2) and forward again

You can find the full code here at the Gist.

Continuing the real code – Let’s talk about update

We are working on building a real code after a series of theory blogs. We are building a straightforward application that allows a user to enter a name (any string) in the input box, and when the user clicks the ‘Say My Name’ button, it will display the name in ‘Your name is:’ label.


In the last blog, we looked at the model component. In this blog, we will look at the update component.

Think of the update component as a controller in a normal MVC pattern. This part of the code listens for event changes and update the model accordingly. Once the model is updated, the view will be rendered again to show the event’s reaction.

Like I said previously, the update component reacts to the events. Like a model, the update also has two components.

  1. Define all the events that we are interested in listening
  2. Write code to perform tasks when an event happens.

Based on the application’s end state, what are all the possible events that can occur in the application? The obvious first event will be someone clicking the button ‘Say My Name,” and let’s name the event  ‘SayMyName.’  The second one will be that when a user enters something in the input box, the input box’s data change event will be triggered. Let’s name the event as the ‘InputChange’ event. That is about it.

Next question, how do we go about defining these events? In Elm, you define these events with a type like the following. We identified the two events, and we just create a type with the two events.

type Msg = SayMyName | InputChange String

You might have questioned how do you define this named event, and where do we define them? We will look at them when we discuss the View component in detail. For now, when someone clicks the “Say My Name” button, somehow, the ‘SayMyName’ message will be triggered in the update section.

InputChange event definition, though, is a little different. When someone clicks the button, all the framework does it to trigger an event. On the other hand, when someone changes a value in the input field, a change event gets triggered by the changed value. That is why the InputChange event is defined with one String parameter.

Now that we defined the events let’s look at what we will do when these events occur?

update: Msg –> Model –> Model

Because Elm is a static type, it is good to define the update function first. Based on the signature, the update function takes the message (Msg) as the first parameter, which also takes Model (current state of the application) as the second parameter. At the end of the update function, it returns the modified state of the application model (Model).

In the last blog, we looked at the Model. In that, we identified the two required fields. One is to display the name (name) and hold the input data in the input field(inputdata). With that knowledge, when a user clicks the ‘Say My Name’ button, we need to do the following

  • Copy inputdata to name field
  • Reset the inputdata field to be empty (“”)

How do we do it in functional Elm? We need to take the incoming model and modify the name and inputdata. The way you modify Elm records as follows

{model | name = model.inputdata, inputdata = “”}

following the code model above, when there is a change to the input field, we need to take the new value and put it in the inputdata field.

{ model | inputdata = val}

Where the val is the incoming value on data change. It will make sense in a bit when we look at the whole update function.

update msg model =

case msg of

SayMyName –>

{model | name = model.inputdata, inputdata = “”}

InputChange  val –>

{model | inputdata = val }

The update function take two parameters; first is the event that triggers the update function and also the current state of the data (as a model)

In Elm, we check what event was triggered by doing something similar to switch statements in other languages. If you look at the code, there are no return statements. There are no explicit return statements; instead, the last statement is treated as a return statement. In our update function definition, the update function is supposed to return a model. If you look at each of the case statements, both have just one line statement, and both return a new instance of the model with new data.

Next, we will talk about the view