MVVM Frameworks Compare and Contrast – 1

This subject will never be accurate, regardless I am going to take a stab at it. The question is, if it is not going to accurate why do it? Well, first to educate myself with all available framework. I am sure by looking at different framework, learn some neat stuff on coding and patterns. One last thing, by putting it out in it blog if I am wrong, I will know and correct myself. One last point, some of the items become out-of-date soon so I will be very clear on which version and build I am using as I do this blog.

Before I go any further, I would love to hear from you, which framework are you using and if you could explain why you choose that will help me a lot.

Couple of things I need to tell upfront;

  1. This is purely for Silverlight, sorry no WPF or WP7.
  2. I have been using Jounce for a while and I love it. So I might have bias towards Jounce so if you see it please correct me.
  3. I might not cover all the features in all the frame works, so if you think I might have missed something, please let me know.

Now for the MVVM Framework comparison, I am going to use the follow common frameworks available.

I am thinking of covering following subject on each of the frameworks. If you can think of some feature I need to add here, please let me know as well.

  • Documentation and samples.
  • Simple Hello World
  • Event Aggregation
  • Commanding
  • Region Management
  • Navigation
  • Working with Multiple XAP files.
  • Design Time data and Blentability.
  • and more